I hate it.
I hate what it does to beautiful people. I hate what it does to me.
These past few days I've been having a pretty great social life, going out and kicking back and what not. But I always wake up the next day feeling so lonely and sad. I was thinking about this last night and talking to God about it, and I came to the point where I reaslied that the more I become of this world, the more I idolize and submit to what is culturally beautiful and acceptable. I needed to submit and keep in God more, and therefore keep my peace inside that I am beautiful just the way I am, that I am enough and that I have enough. I havn't been doing that lately sadly..I've been so tired that I didn't spare any time for Him. But really, what is 10 minutes out of 24 hours to just simply be still and know that God is simply and wonderfully God?
It's great to have such amazing friends. But it's also important that you and I spend time with ourselves and with God, to know where we stand with Him and what He wants us to do next. To recharge ourselves, restore ourselves, find ourselves.
I guess that's my goal for the next few weeks. Just to spend time with God more so I am not of this world, but simply in it.

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