Tuesday, November 30, 2010


This is a pretty bold subject for me to be talking about, but there are a few things I'd like to share on the matter after a talk with a good friend of mine about it. These are my thoughts.

Before our conversation, (I'll be straight up) I wasn't a really firm believer in sex before marriage. I think this is because alot of my friends have had it already and I saw them as perfectly fine, not screwed up or flawed from having sex before they were tied down. It may have also been because I was (and still am) a hormonal and rash teenager, a naive and inexperienced player in the game of love. I knew sex was important, but I didn't understand how important it really was.

Sex is good, yes. But sex is also sacred, and beautiful, and made for two people who truly are in love.

My friend told me about this conference she went to about marriage where a few men talked about sex. They basically said, having sex before marriage is just plain dumb. Not because it is going out of God's will, but because the reality is, some men will try flirt and be gentlemanly to woman to try get that from them. After they do, the woman is pretty much useless to them. It's stupid that a woman can so easily just give up her body like that, only to be used and tossed out, and maybe even hurt and scarred for life. It's dumb. I am not saying that all men are like that, or that this is always the case, but it is quite commonplace in our society today.
I remember a while back I found out two guys were trying to see who could get me in bed first, which is shaming to me. I didn't know this before, so I didn't realise their real motives behind their friendliness towards me. But if I gave into their momentary kindness, I know it would be something I would've regretted and hated about myself. To have any woman's body cheaply used is just sad. The body we were given is a temple.

A while back, I was reading a book about a man and Jesus talking to each other on a personal level. The topic of sex came up. And Jesus basically says to the man that he doesn't restrict sex because he doesn't want us to enjoy it, but because it is good. It is something to be enjoyed with someone who has made a committment to you. Like something valueble and precious, it should be used with great love and care. I think Jesus doesn't look down upon sex. He created it, and meant for it to be amazing and significant and spiritual. And he wants it to be used wisely because of that.

Scientifically, my friend also mentioned that it was proven that people who do not have sex before marriage are more likely to have better sex, and she goes on to say that this is because you don't have any other experiences to compare it to. Also, there is the consistency of having one partner to make love with, instead of having a whole history of good and bad experiences that could affect how you have sex with your partner...if that doesn't make sense, it really did in my head. I also read somewhere that when you have sex with someone, there is something in your body which links up with their body, creating a soul tie- something that cannot be removed, something permanent. Whether it's a random guy off a street, an ex-boyfriend or someone you now hate, if you had sex with them, you pretty much have connections with them forever.
This is so vague I know. I may be wrong, I may be misleading, but this is just my opinion from what I know.

Lately God has been repeating to me one word: Respect. I know I have done things I have regretted with boys, like kiss them without really knowing who they were, or allowed myself to be taken advantage of. It has really hit me recently that I don't deserve, and neither do you, such lousy treatment from boys (or girls). I am reminded of the chorus of the song by India Arie called Because I Am A Queen:

I'm not the average from your video
and I ain't built like a supermodel
but I learned to love myself unconditionally
because I am a queen.
I'm not the average from your video
my worth is not determined by the price of my clothes.

I can't stress enough how much you are worth it.
You are worth respect both verbally and physically from the opposite sex. You are worth someone who will chase you and love you for who you are first before sex, not because of it. You are worth more than a short skirt and a bottle of alcohol. You are worth respect from your very self. You are not determined by anything apart from what God says about you. And God says you are worth it.

Listen to: A Day To Remember - 2nd Sucks

Saturday, November 27, 2010

I give up on trying to be something the world tells me to be, but I'm not. I should not be confined by what society wants me to be like, look like, speak like, act like and think like. What they say or think of me does not matter. I am a child in the hands of God, and He has the final say over my life. God, mould me to become more like you and less like them.

Currently listening to: City and Colour - Sensible Heart

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I feel like I've waited a long time for a song like this. On repeat.

Monday, November 22, 2010

No matter what happens to me,
no matter how I feel
no matter what I have done
God has and always will be, faithful.

Currently listening to: The Morning Benders - Virgins

Sunday, November 21, 2010

This is summer to me.

Currently listening to: Editors - Munich

Friday, November 19, 2010

Hold on, this will hurt more than anything has before.

Currently listening to: William Fitzsimmons - I Don't Feel It Anymore (George Raquet Remix)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Exams will be over soon and a whole year dedicated to wanderlust will begin. Can't wait!

Currently listening to: White Lies - Unfinished Business
He is stuck in my head.
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

Matthew 11:28-30

Currently listening to: The Weepies - Gotta Have You

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

It's just one of those days.

Currently listening to: Iggy Pop - The Passenger

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Great is His Faithfulness

I am the man who has seen affliction
under the rod of his wrath;
he has driven and brought me
into darkness without any light;
surely against me he turns his hand
again and again the whole day long.

He has made my flesh and my skin waste away;
he has broken my bones;
he has besieged and enveloped me
with bitterness and tribulation;
he has made me dwell in darkness
like the dead of long ago.

He has walled me about so that I cannot escape;
he has made my chains heavy;
though I call and cry for help,
he shuts out my prayer;
he has blocked my ways with blocks of stones;
he has made my paths crooked.

He is a bear lying in wait for me,
a lion in hiding;
he turned aside my steps and tore me to pieces;
he has made me desolate;
he bent his bow and set me
as a target for his arrow.

He drove into my kidneys
the arrows of his quiver;
I have become the laughingstock of all peoples,
the object of their taunts all day long.
He has filled me with bitterness;
he has sated me with wormwood.

He has made my teeth grind on gravel,
and made me cower in ashes;
my soul is bereft of peace;
I have forgotten what happiness is;
so I say, “My endurance has perished;
so has my hope from the Lord.”

Remember my affliction and my wanderings,
the wormwood and the gall!
My soul continually remembers it
and is bowed down within me.
But this I call to mind,
and therefore I have hope:

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.”

The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.

Let him sit alone in silence when it is laid on him; let him put his mouth in the dust— there may yet be hope; let him give his cheek to the one who strikes, and let him be filled with insults.

For the Lord will not cast off forever, but, though he cause grief, he will have compassion according to the abundance of his steadfast love; for he does not willingly afflict or grieve the children of men.

To crush underfoot
all the prisoners of the earth,
to deny a man justice
in the presence of the Most High,
to subvert a man in his lawsuit,
the Lord does not approve.

Who has spoken and it came to pass,
unless the Lord has commanded it?
Is it not from the mouth of the Most High
that good and bad come?
Why should a living man complain,
a man, about the punishment of his sins?

Let us test and examine our ways,
and return to the Lord!
Let us lift up our hearts and hands
to God in heaven:
“We have transgressed and rebelled,
and you have not forgiven.

“You have wrapped yourself with anger and pursued us,
killing without pity;
you have wrapped yourself with a cloud
so that no prayer can pass through.
You have made us scum and garbage
among the peoples.

“All our enemies
open their mouths against us;
panic and pitfall have come upon us,
devastation and destruction;
my eyes flow with rivers of tears
because of the destruction of the daughter of my people.

“My eyes will flow without ceasing,
without respite,
until the Lord from heaven
looks down and sees;
my eyes cause me grief
at the fate of all the daughters of my city.

“I have been hunted like a bird
by those who were my enemies without cause;
they flung me alive into the pit
and cast stones on me;
water closed over my head;
I said, ‘I am lost.’

“I called on your name, O Lord, from the depths of the pit; you heard my plea, ‘Do not close your ear to my cry for help!’ You came near when I called on you; you said, ‘Do not fear!’

“You have taken up my cause, O Lord;
you have redeemed my life.
You have seen the wrong done to me, O Lord;
judge my cause.
You have seen all their vengeance,
all their plots against me.

“You have heard their taunts, O Lord,
all their plots against me.
The lips and thoughts of my assailants
are against me all the day long.
Behold their sitting and their rising;
I am the object of their taunts.

“You will repay them, O Lord,
according to the work of their hands.
You will give them dullness of heart;
your curse will be on them.
You will pursue them in anger and destroy them
from under your heavens, O Lord.”

Lamentations 3

Currently listening to: Ascend the Hill - Oh, Love That Will Not Let Me Go

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sweep me away.

Any will do, thank you.

Currently listening to: Avalanche City - Love Don't Leave Me

Some favourite things of mine.

God, my little sister, sunsets and sunrises, wide fields of grass and trees, warm light, big blue skies, lakes and rivers, butterflies and birds, inside jokes, long and beautiful drives, tattoos, sitting underneath ancient trees in the sun, op-shop gems, journaling, picking daisies, sketching, worship, road trips with your feet on the dash, dust particles in the sunlight, film & lomography cameras, walking around barefoot in summer, God's voice, music, green tea frappachinos, dressing up, airports and airplanes, the sound of cicadas in summer, dancing, south african accents, being gossip free, making people smile, when someone or something expresses what my heart cannot, cute lingerie, naturally beautiful things, being warm, black stockings, sitting and reflecting on the beach, musicians, good hang times, cheese & red wine, laughter, vintage, shoes, loving and being loved, lying on soft green grass with a loved one, reading in bed, pretty-smelling perfumes, New York, special lookouts, photographs, the city, rain, travelling, french people, tea and coffee, long train rides, fairtrade chocolate, my best friend, feeling naturally beautiful, the passionate, long walks with the ipod, smiling, glorious creation, live gigs, long bike rides in the sun, cuddling in bed with a movie, contentment, the night sky, refreshing breezes, memorablia, sunshine, sleeping after a long day, skaters, tumblr browsing on a lazy day, trust, youth and freedom in the heart and the 70s.

Monday, November 1, 2010

"Freedom isn’t ‘out there’ - it is right within you. Freedom isn’t about travelling to exotic destinations or achieving a glamorous lifestyle, it is about freedom of thought and meaningfully choosing the life you want to live rather than blaming others for your misery. Freedom is about living life with passion and direction rather than duty and obligation."

The Myths of Life and Other Choices We Have
“Some people do not have to search, for they find their niche early in life and rest there seemingly contented and resigned. At times, I envy them but usually I do not understand them… And seldom do they understand me. I am one of those searchers. There are, I believe, millions of us. We are not unhappy, but neither are we completely content. We continue to explore ourselves, hoping to understand. We like to walk along the beach; we are drawn to the ocean, taken by its power and unceasing motion, its mystery and unspeakable beauty. We like forests, mountains, deserts, hidden rivers, and lovely cities as well. Our sadness is as much a part of our lives as our laughter. We are ambitious only for life itself and for anything beautiful it can provide. Most of all, we want to love and be loved, to live in a relationship that will not impede our wanderings and prevent our search. We do not want to prove ourselves to others or compete for love. This passage is for wanderers, dreamers, and lovers who dare to ask of life everything which is good and beautiful.”

"If you can't be extreaordinary in your ordinary life, with your own neighbors, even the hairy-backed ones who take out their trash in their boxers, it's highly unlikely you'll amount to much- no matter what baby orphan you've kissed. So stop. Know the people on your path."

Relevant Magazine

“It’s never too late to have a fresh start on things. Maybe you’re going to finally quit drinking today. Or maybe you’ve decided to break up with that awful boyfriend of yours. Maybe you’re going to put down the blade or swear off drugs. Maybe you’ve just decided to put a positive twist on your darkened life. Whatever you decide to do - it’s never too late. Go back to the purest place in your heart and bring it back... Have faith in yourself.”