Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Im sooo


I just had a talk with a friend of mine, a brother in Christ who I really adore. He felt this urge to ring me, and we started talking about this life both he and I were living that was completely seperate to what God wanted.
He gave me a verse in Job 28:28:

"And he said to man, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding."

That verse meant a lot to me. It struck the heart of the sin I had given birth to in my heart.
This brother of mine blessed me so much with his encouraging words.
I feel gold running through my veins..I feel right and content once again.
And it's because of this: when you walk in step with the one who so lovingly created you, you're true and eternal Father and King, you feel a happiness beyond words. A happiness you can't contain. A happiness found and radiated from within the heart. That is true happiness. Like Henry Ward Beecher says,

"True happiness is finding the way in which God is going- and going that way too."

I'm giving you encouragement, whoever you are reading this, that a life of sin can't hold you down. The devil and you yourself are the only ones stopping you from coming into the light. The wicked will perish- who wants to be counted as one that did? Life and true happiness can only be found when you are right with God, when you are near Him, He will draw near to you.
Don't worry about trying to grasp everything of this world at once..because if you seek His kingdom first, everything else will be given to you. And that is God's promise!
I'm not preaching this to you. I'm also telling myself in hopes I will remain true to what I believe. With God's strength and grace, you and I will both!


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