Again, I can't get to sleep because I'm thinking and thrashing way too much.
Over this week, God has made me aware that who your friends are make up who you are. It is said that the top five people you hang out with are the people you will most likely become and I have seen it prove truthful constantly. I've been thinking about who I hang out with...who I want to hang out with...and who I need to cut out and hold onto in my life, and if I was honest with myself, the answers surprised me a lot.
The people I hang out with now I feel are going on a different path to me in life, and it isn't a road I want to travel on now or later. I do appreciate and love them as friends, but they are not people I ultimately want to become in life. Truth be told, only two people I currently hang out with now are people I want to be around in the long run.
I asked myself the question: If you could hang out with any five people in the world (knowing you would be more like them), dead or alive, who would they be? I actually couldn't make up my mind! Roughly, I thought: a photographer like Jason Nocito, a fashionista like Alexa Chung, my best friend, Jesus Christ...and then I crossed them all off again, apart from Jesus and my best friend of course.
Looking back on my life, some of the people I've made friends with I have regret being friends with at times, but they have somehow shaped my life for the good and for the bad. From those people that have come and gone in my life, I have learnt who I need to let go of and who I need to hold on to.
20 years from now, I want those people who I need in my life to stay in my life.
They are the friends who, when other people say, 'How are you?' say to me: 'How are you? How are you really? I want to know, I want to help, I want to listen.'
They are the friends who would never leave me when I really need them.
They are the friends who do not use me for something they want, but already value and appreciate me for who I am and what I can give.
They are the friends who would never force or pressure me into doing something I wouldn't want to do.
They are the friends who see me in their life for a whole lifetime.
They are the friends who respect my beliefs, values and ambitions.
They are the friends who don't shove advice in my face when I tell them a personal problem.
They are the friends who can laugh, talk and cry with me.
They are friends I ultimately admire and want to be like.
Even if those type of friends in my life add up to a total of two, I wouldn't trade those two for all the friends in the world.
Of course, I have other amazing people in my life whose company I enjoy and embrace, but in the end, whether we decide to keep contact or part ways, I know in my heart who will always be there for me no matter what the weather.
So, knowing that your top closest friends are the people you most likely will become: Who do you hang out with? Who do you want to hang out with? Who do you need to cut out of your life (or spend less time with) and who do you truly need to hold on to?
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