Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thank You Father

I was reading the Word for Today yesterday morning on how Moses was close and intimate with God, and God with him, but the rest of the Israelites were happy to be distant from Him. In 1 John 2:3-6, it speaks of how obeying God's commandments is how we truly show we love and live in Him. Are we content to be onlookers of faith, or are we too lazy and comfortable to put in the discipline and committment needed to have that incredible faith in our lives?:

'God doesn't want us to be infatuated with the Bible or the church or His blessings. No, He wants you to fall in love with Him. He's not looking for a date, He's looking for a bride! He wants someone who will stick with Him when the going gets tough. Are you ready to put on the ring of committment today?' (Word for Today)

Astounded and even a little bit excited, I felt the need to read the 10 commandments in Exodus again, a chapter I knew but didn't know. Reading through it, I was shocked at myself. In some way or another, I have disobeyed most of the commandments God has given me.

Here are some examples:
v3: 'Worship no god but me.' Music, internet and at times money & materialism. I worship them by spending all my time on them, letting my life be defined and controlled by them and even loving them. They have sadly become my gods.

v7: 'Do not use my name for evil purposes.' Oh the times I have used God's beautiful and holy name in vain, even by accident.

v8: 'Observe the Sabbath and keep it holy.' Lately, I've been so slack with church even though I said to myself years ago I could never miss church. Once you think it's okay to miss one service, you'll later think that it's okay to keep missing services. It's not just about's also about realising that God has set aside a day of rest for us for a reason. After He created the world, He didn't need a break. But He took one so to set an example for the human race- we all need time off, and it is also an opportunity for us to reflect and dedicate this one special day to God. Don't get me wrong , everyday should be a day to dedicated to God, but the Sabbath God has especially set aside as holy.

v17: 'Do not desire another man's [possessions].' I'll have to admit, I do get jealous of people who I perceive have it better than I do- clothes, beauty, family, home and the likes. The truth is, I have an incredible life! All I can do is ask God to help me see, not look, at how truly blessed I am, and to be content with that. Is He not enough?

All this time I had thought that I knew what it was to love God and find joy in Him. But it primarily comes from obeying his loving commandments. They are there not to give us a hard time or to put more pressure on us, but they are there because He loves us and wants the best for us. I ask that God will forgive me for being spiritually blind. I ask God that He will give me the strength and the discipline needed to obey His commandments, whatever the cost. I thank Him for this insight!

How are you and obedience to God?

Currently listening to: The Ember Days - All My Days

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