Sunday, October 9, 2011

'Are you fighting for me Lord?' 'Everyday.'

Last week I was talking to a good friend on the phone and she said to me that she thought Bible college was a waste of time and to go to University and get a degree. Someone important to me also said it was a waste of money. It sounds crazy, but, aswell as being humbled by their honesty, I am hugely encouraged by what they said. I am 110% sure, with all of my heart, that this is where I'm supposed to be. And I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I know that I wouldn't be happy if I go to University because there is nothing more fulfilling than waking up everyday to learn about the One who first loved me. Yes, it is challanging and most days it tires me out, and yes I have considered from time to time whether spending my time and money learning about the Bible was beneficial, but a series of revelations has told me that God is going to use this course to change my life and prepare me for what is ahead. I believe that where I am at the very moment in my life is all part of God's plan.

I guess that those seemingly negative comments are comforting to me because if I didn't get any, then I would worry. Where God has put you, there are bound to be people who won't understand or agree and even do things to stop you from walking in His path. Additionally, what my beloved ones said are affirming my doing something different with my life. Most of my friends and I don't have the same values. I'm not striving to get rich, to get a nice house with a nice family. I'm not looking to get famous and attain excessive material wealth. Heck, I don't even know what I want to do with my life just yet, but I know that trying to catch the wind isn't it. God will reveal to me His plans in His time.

In the meantime, this quote is relevant, and I couldn't have put what I'm feeling into better words myself:

"You have a right to experiment with your life. You will make mistakes. And they are right too. No, I think there was too rigid a pattern. You came out of an education and are supposed to know your vocation. Your vocation is fixed, and maybe ten years later you find you are not a teacher anymore or you’re not a painter anymore. It may happen. It has happened. I mean Gauguin decided at a certain point he wasn’t a banker anymore; he was a painter. And so he walked away from banking. I think we have a right to change course. But society is the one that keeps demanding that we fit in and not disturb things. They would like you to fit in right away so that things work now."
Anaïs Nin

Currently listening to: Copeland - California


  1. Love this post! :) It's awesome that you're so grounded into something that seems so far-fetched to the outsiders looking in.


  2. Whoo! Thank you for sharing my excitement Laura :)
