Saturday, June 11, 2011

69 Confessions

1. The phone rings; who do you want it to be?
My crush, or my best friend Anja who I havn't seen or really talked to in a while.

2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
Well I don't take it home with me...

3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?
I'm a bit of both- although I like listening more. I'm quite shy talking in front of people I don't know very well.

4. Do you take compliments well?
Nope. I tend to get quite flustered. Most times, I don't see what those people see in me.

5. Do you play Sudoku?
Yep, when I'm extremely bored haha.

6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive?
Any one of my friends would say I wouldn't! I would get paranoid I think.

7. Do you like to ride horses?
Yes, why not. The only time I rode a horse was when I was young, but I enjoyed it a lot.

8. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
Yes! I went to a few.

9. What was your favorite game as a kid?
Well, I loved playing those old school Nintendo consoles I think. I liked Playstation. I liked hide and go seek. I was a tomboy when I was younger so I liked all those boyish games.

10. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married, would you go for it?
No way :/ That's not cool at all.

11. Have you lied to get out of a date?
Kind of...I've lied when people ask me out or hit on me before.

12. Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you?
I wouldn't mind too much if someone I was seeing wasn't christian, but I am more attracted to guys who are christian anyway.

13. Do you like to pursue or be pursued?
Be pursued. I've had enough of pursueing.

14. Use three words to describe yourself?
Laid-back, down-to-earth, independant.

15. Do any songs make you cry?
Yes, Underoath's 'Some Will Seek Forgiveness, Other's Escape'- not all of the time though, but sometimes when I'm in a sad mood.

16. Are you continuing your education?
Yes, hopefully at AUT and MTC.

17. Do you know how to shoot a gun?
Nope, but it would be fun to learn I think.

18. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed?
Materiallisticly, I would proabably grap my laptop...or my camera. Just because my laptop has all my music and memories of me and people, and my camera because it's expensive.

19. How often do you read books?
When I was in high school I read all the time, but nowadays I don't read books often. I want to and I try to though. I actually should get a book out since things are pretty boring these days.

20. Do you think more about the past, present or future?
Past for sure. It's a bad habit.

21. What is your favorite children's book?
I love anything by Roald Dahl, but especially B.F.G and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

22. What color are your eyes?
Dark brown.

23. How tall are you?

24. Where is your dream house located?
Somewhere by a lake, a busy city, a bush walk and a beach. I would love to live in France for a while.

25. Do you have a secret fetish?
I don't think so. It's not really a secret but I love Cadbury Creme Eggs!

26. Have you tried sushi?
Yep, I love it!

27. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?
Yes, it brings back good memories.

29. When was the last time you were at Church?
Two Sundays ago.

30. Where was the furthest place you traveled today?
Outside my front door? Haha I didn't go anywhere today.

31. What was your favorite job?
I really enjoyed working at Smiggle. It was colourful and fresh and I got discounts. Also, lots of cute kids came in!

32. Do you like mustard?
Sure, especially with hot dogs.

33. Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
This is such a hard question haha. Ah, I don't know! I love doing both immensely.

34. Do you look like your mom or dad?
I actually look like my dad! But I have my mum's round face shape.

35. How long does it take you in the shower?
10 minutes, but on cold days it's nice to stay in there a little longer.

36. Can you do the splits?

37. What movie do you want to see right now?
The first thing that came into my mind was Black Swan.

38. If you could fast forward your life, would you?
No, life is going fast enough as it is.

39. What did you do for New Year's?
I was in China in this really lovely touristy village. I was with my tour group and my mum, auntie, uncle and family friends in a karoke club. We drunk, ate and danced and laughed. My mum even danced to 'Sexy Chick' by Akon with a random white guy! It was such a fun and halarious night. I even got a little drunk and had a massive hangover the next day haha. It was refreshing doing it in another country with adults who knew how to have a good time.

40. Do you think The Grudge was scary?
I've only seen bits of it as I was a sook back then, but now I can watch scary movies like nothing so I'll check it out one day.

41. Could you relate to a character in Mean Girls?
Hmm, I don't think I can...

42. Do you own a camera phone?
Yup, it seems like everyone does these days.

43. Do you have an "ex box" with pics and letters from past lovers?
I never really had past lovers so nope.

44. Was your mom a cheerleader?
Lol crack up.

45. What's the last letter of your middle name?
I don't have a middle name.

45. What's the last letter of your middle name?
Same answer as above.

47. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
Some nights/most nights, 0-3 hours, other nights, 8-12.

48. Do you like Care Bears?
They're alrite.

49. What do you buy at the movies?
Like food? Popcorn, drink, ice-cream, lollies usually.

50. Do you know how to play poker?
Nope, but I'm not a fan of gambling.

51. Do you wear your seatbelt?
Yes, when I'm in the front seat, but when I'm in the back seat I only wear it sometimes.

52. What do you wear to sleep?
Usually just my underwear and an old top.

53. Anything big ever happen in your hometown?
Well, I would say my hometown is Papatoetoe and not Pusan, so yes! Apparantly India won the Cricket World Cup, so there was celebrating on the streets because my town is pretty made up of Indians haha.

54. How many meals do you eat a day?
Around 4, but I snack constantly.

55. Is your tongue pierced?

56. Ever meet anyone you met on Myspace?
Nope, I used Bebo more and met someone on there too :)

57. Do you read myspace bulletins?
When I used it, I sometimes did.

58. Do you like funny or serious people better?
Oh definitely funny! It's my kryptonite. I can't really stand serious people.

59. Ever been to L.A.?

60. Did you eat a cookie today?

61. Do you use cuss words in other languages?
Haha sometimes, when I'm joking around and in a silly mood.

62. Do you steal or pay for your music downloads?
Download. I'm real bad :(

63. Do you hate chocolate?
I don't hate it, but I don't love it either.

64. What do you and your parents fight about the most?
No comment.

65. Are you a gullible person?
I can usually tell when I can trust someone, but I think most of the time I'm not.

67. If you could have any job what would it be?
Photo journalist/travel photographer, event organiser, music journalist...ahh so many things haha.

68. Are you easy to get along with?
I think I am!

69. What is your favorite time of day?
Night time, but generally anytime I am eating haha.

Currently listening to: Bon Iver - Wash.

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