Name: Jenny Chang
Piercings: Earlobes and I recently re-pierced my nose!
Tattoos: I have a little anchor on my right wedding finger. It's special to me beause it represents hope. When I was going through my darkest time of depression, my best friend said to me, 'Don't lose hope, it's the anchhor for your soul.' And in the end, I never did.
Length: 5'0. Shorty, I know!
Shoe size: Size 7.
Hair colour: Black.
Freckles: Nope, but I think freckles are really cute!
Motto: I don't really have a motto that I live by. I think faith, hope and love are the most important things to strive for in my life though.
In love? I'm in love with my closest friends, with my sister, with the sunset and sunrises, with nature, with music and with God.
Do you wish you lived somewhere else? Sometimes I wished I lived in France or New York, and one day I would love to, but New Zealand will always be my home. I havn't seen much of the world, but I still think it is the most purest place in the world.
Do you consider yourself good-looking? I get really flustered and confused when I get a compliment on my appearance! I don't know how to respond to it in a way that would truly express my gratitude. I don't think about whether I am good looking or not, or I try not to.
What shampoo do you use? Whatever my mum buys, but I really like Sunsilk.
What are you afraid of? Losing people I love is by far my biggest fear.
Do you like roller-coasters? They are fun!
Movie you rented? Hmm, I think it would be some kind of foreign drama. I havn't rented movies in a while. I actually went to rent some tonite but we had a fine! Quite bad.
Movie you bought? I don't buy movies!
Song you heard? Quicksand by Sleeping At Last.
Song you downloaded? A Bon Iver remix.
Person you called? My mumma.
Person who called you? Joanne <3
TV-program you watched? I watched a bit of Gossip Girl yesterday, but I don't like it. I actually think the acting is quite terrible.
Person you thought of? Sarah, who is sleeping next to me at the moment heh.
Song: It’s an impossible question to answer to me. I really can't choose!
Things to do: Eating food is the joy of my life! Listening to good music, enjoying nature, going to shows, meeting interesting people, sleeping in a warm bed, going out with my sister, appreciating photography, helping people, laughing, going out and having a crazy night with my friends.
Sport: I hate playing sports, but my favourite to watch would probably be when the All Blacks play!
Clothes: I don't have a favourite, but I like skirts.
Movie: I love Lords of Dogtown of course. I love dramas, French films, Quentin Tarantino films...
Car: Old school ones.
TV-show: Friends forever and always!
Have you ever…
Cried over a boy? Yes.
Cried over a girl? Yes, when I was much younger over my then best friend.
Lied to anyone? Yep.
Been in a fist fight? Nope. This one time in primary though, these chicks wanted to fight me, but one of my friends generously offered to fight them for me. There was hair pulling and scratching! They all had to apologize to me in the end. I just see no need for fighting.
Been arrested? Nope.
Met someone from the Internet IRL? Oh yes, one guy I met on the net is now one of my good friends :)
Number of…
Times you’ve been in love? In love with a guy- none.
Times you’ve had your heart broken? Just once, which as you know was very recent.
Hearts been broken because of you? I'm not sure, I hope I havn't done that. Having your heart broken is a long process to deal with.
Girls you’ve kissed? Two.
Times your name has been in the newspaper? Once, I wrote a poem for the College Herald, which is a section from our national newspaper, The NZ Herald.
Book you read? I'm not sure, but I'm currently reading 'Soul Mountain' by Gao Xingjian.
Person who e-mailed you? It would probably my best friend, Anja.
Person who sent you a letter? It's been so long since I received a personal letter from someone! I think it may have been my friend Bev when we were in primary.
Person who sent you a text message? Joanne.
Time you had dinner with your whole family? We hardly sit together for dinner, if at all.
Thing you bought? A salmon meal at a sushi place.
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