It is 6.30 a.m and I havn't had any sleep, even though I took a sleeping pill! Yeah, they don't work. I will try taking more next time. Anyway, here's another survey I did to bore you with.
First Name: Jenny
Middle Name: Don't have one.
Birthday: 14 October 1992.
Eyes: Dark brown.
Hair: Black, but sometimes in the light it looks like a dark brown.
Favourite color: Black for sure.
Day/Night: Day for the birds and sun and trees, night for the moon and stars and insomnia.
Favourite food: Sushi, avocado, Italian and alot more. Food is the love of my life!
Friends and life:
Do you ever wish you had another name? No, I havn't thought about that so much. Plus, I like my name meaning :)
Do you like anyone? Nope, thank goodness! Having a crush takes the mickey out of you sometimes.
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? I think me and my friends are like different flavours of the same flavour.
Who's the loudest? Hmm...I don't know. My friends aren't really loud. I guess Ling would be the loudest though ha!
Who have you known the longest of your friends? I have known my friend Beverley for 9 years now :)
Who's the shyest? Jayesh is quite shy when he doesn't know anyone...but other than that I don't really have shy friends!
Are you close to any family members? Only my younger sister Sarah.
When did you cry the most? I think in total it would be over this boy, very recently. My friend once said to me, there is only so much tears you can cry over a boy. And I think it's true.
What's the best feeling in the world? When you are completely content with who you are and who you have around you.
What's the worst feeling? When you think about someone you love dying one day, or, being heartbroken.
Finish each sentence:
Let's walk on the: moon!
Let's run through: the field full of flowers.
Let's look at the: stars, then the sunrise.
What a nice: day.
Where did all the: cadbury creme eggs go? :(
Why can't you: tell me?!
Silly, little: dog.
Tell me: everything about you :)
Have you:
Ran away from home? Yes, when I was very young because I got in trouble for something.
Pictured your crush naked? Ha, guilty.
Skipped school? Yes, plenty of times haha.
Broken someone's heart? I hope not!
Been in love? Yes, with everything but boys ha.
Cried when someone died? Sure, when my cousin died a few years ago.
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have? Yep, and it sucks.
Done something embarrassing? I'm a walking embarrassment! I could tell you lots of stories about me doing embarrassing things haha.
Done a drug? Yes, only one type though.
Cried in school? Yep, in primary I think.
Your good luck charm: Nothing. I don't believe in good luck but that everything happens for a reason.
Person you hate most: I don't hate anyoneeeee.
Best thing that has happened: Hmm...being given life is the best thing that has happened!
Favourite ice-cream: Green tea! So good.
Who makes you laugh the most: Jayesh, or Sarah :)
Who has a crush on you: I'm not sure. No one tells me ha!
Do you have a crush on someone: Nope.
Have you ever:
Fallen for your best friend? I used to have a crush on someone who I am good friends with now when we were just beginning to be friends.
Made out with JUST a friend? Yes.
Kissed two people in the same day? Umm...nope.
Had sex with two different people in the same day? Whoa, no! Haha.
Been rejected? Yesiree.
Been in love? I answered this question...
Been used? Yes, one of the most hurtful feelings ever :(
Done something you regret? No regrets!
Cheated on someone? Nope.
Been called a tease? Ahh no. I've been called a heart breaker, but I am pretty sure that was a joke.
Who was the last person:
You touched? My sister.
You talked to on the phone? A man from MTC about an interview.
You hugged? A lady from MTC.
You instant messaged? Bianca.
You kissed? A boy.
You yelled at? No comment.
Who text messaged you? Bianca.
Who broke your heart? No comment.
Who told you they loved you? Sarah <3
P.s. I have 1 week and 6 days of my sobriety to go! :)
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