At the time, we had been fundraising and speaking about physially and mentally abused children in Thailand. We partnered with a family from New Zealand who were living in Thailand and were taking in these children and driving around the red light district to save those who were vulnerable to rapists and such.
For Kate and I, it was a long and rocky road. We had to learn how to trust God, really trust Him, and give it all to Him even though we wanted to take control for ourselves. At times, we had conflict with each other and with the people we were working with. At times, we forgot to pray. At times, hardly anyone turned up to our fundraisers and our expectations were not met. At times, plans failed. At times, we worried so much we took the reins from God. But there were also memorable moments too.
Because Kate and I were 16 at the time, we stuffed up public speaking alot and we had to learn things the hard way. Looking back now, it was actually quite funny. We had amazing people excited about Hope99 as much as we were, and we got so much support and encouragement. We had great turnouts sometimes. We raised more than we expected sometimes. We felt God was behind us, and we felt strong. It felt weird but wonderful to live for something other than myself.
One day, after our last fundraiser, I got a call from my pastor. He told me that the church raised $7000 from the self-denial appeal fundraiser. Combined with the money raised from previous fundraisers, it was a total of $10,000. Needless to say, I was stoked. The happiest I have been in my life. That night at church I couldn't stop laughing and crying. I thought that all the hard work and prayer had really paid off and now the family in Thailand can take a significant step forward in their work. It is this time in my life I was the most satisfied because it was when we helped a cause greater than ourselves, we somehow aided the work to save children who were vulnerable to abuse, and we both took leaps in our relationship with God and as a person. A moment and time in my life I will never forget.

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