Thursday, March 10, 2011

Christianity versus religion, and other thoughts.

This is no thoroughly thought out post, but something I need to get off my chest, so please mind the bad structure and random thoughts.

Lately, I've been witnessing and experiencing alot of abuse from people about Christianity. At times it is because people get religion VS a relationship with God mixed up, and at other times it is purely for mockery.

First, religion VS relationship.

I don't believe in religion. Obviously, it is evident and it is all around us, but by believe, I mean that I do not encourage or associate myself with it. It has become such a messed up word and brings up images of hate and war, so I find it funny how when some people see the word 'religion' they instantly think of Christianity like it's the only religion in the world. What about Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism? Are they not religions too, as much as Christianity? I feel like people blame a lot of the world's problems entirely on us. I know that Christianity is the largest religion in the world, but it is a little unfair. That aside, I understand how people blame religion for the issues we are facing in the world today. Sometimes, religion judges. Religion kills. Religion lies, twists the truth. Religion can posess a man. Religion is cold. Religion is obtuse. Religion is tactless and unmerciful. But that is totally different to being a Christian. The thing I want to clear up is
the difference between religion and being a Christian.

Real christianity, simply put it, is being in a relationship with God. Nothing more, nothing less. The fundamental truth in my relationship with God is that He loves me, and I love Him. Of course, I disappoint Him, I fail, I sin, just like every human on the planet. I'm as much as a sinner as you are. Christians are not better than the 'rest' as some may think. The Christians I know have really hard issues they have to deal with in life, sometimes even harder than most non-Christians I know, and the way they deal with it is at times far from perfect. I think people forget we were all born with a flawed human spirit, and we do have sinful urges too.
Christianity is about love- loving God and loving people. Those are the two greatest commandments in the Bible. You may scoff and think of a long list when it wasn't about that, but I think you are getting that mixed up with religion. James 1:27 says the only religion God accepts is loving those in need like widows and orphans and trying to keep pure. The day that my relationship with Him kills, judges and hates is the day I will give it up.

It is disturbing how there are people in the world who call themselves believers but have it all mixed up. So for those of you who have been hurt by so called 'Christians', I am sorry. If you hate us because we have done something to conjure pain, I am sorry.
Those 'Christians' that say God hates homosexuals and they will burn in hell, that's so crap. God doesn't hate the sinner, he hates the sin. He loves them as much as he loves me, I can tell you that right now. Those 'Christians' that say you have no hope because of your sin, that's so crap too. There is always hope, and forgiveness and redemption is in reach for those who ask and seek for it. Those 'Christians' that mislead people into believing in judgement and hate of those who do not believe in God, screw that. I, as a Christian, will say to you right now I won't judge you for what you have done, I want to love you and help you, believer or not. On behalf of those who really are Christians, I apologize for any negative feelings that you have towards us because of what those people have done.
I hope that those of you who read this will no longer associate Christianity with something that only destroys. You know what it is to be in a relationship with someone you love, who loves you. Please know that this is what my faith means to me and to many Christians too.

Second, mockery of Christianity.

I find it truly disrespectul and rude to mock something that means alot to people. Of course they should respect Atheism, Hinduism and Judaism but only Christians are allowed to be mocked right?

When I see someone poking fun at Jesus or God or believers, it hurts. If someone insulted someone important in your life who you love till death, who saved your life and shown you nothing but love and kindness, I think you would be too. God is someone I believe in. I don't mock atheists for believing in living a god-free life. I don't mock scientific people for believing in the big-bang theory. I don't mock Buddhists for believing in reincarnation. I don't mock straight edge people for not drinking, doing drugs or smoking. I don't mock vegetarians for not eating meat. Just because people have different views and beliefs from me, does not give them permission to insult it. It is insensitive.

Another thing I want to get off my chest is when people get angry when I say anything to do with my faith. We have all been given the freedom of speech and the freedom to choose what we believe in, so why can't people tolerate when I love what I believe in? I've seen people promote Satan, blog about why they hate Christians, insist on living a god-free life, and I accept that and have nothing to do with that. But when Christians express their love of life and God, it seems to attract many negative attention and abuse. I understand that Christianity is a very touchy subject and people can get worked up about it, but I still can't understand that if they choose to write about why they hate Christianity, why can't people choose to write about why they love Christianity?

So these are purely my thoughts on the matter. I just want to conclude by saying to you that the religion in the world today is something very different to what I believe in. I believe in a relationship through faith that does not come to harm but to love. I wish that Christians would be more respected in society, but I do believe that the hate we are gaining is fulfilling a propechy in the Bible, so in a way, I am also glad.
I would be interested to hear what you think about the issue!

Listen to: Saving Grace - U Becoming You