Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Emo ramblings.

I don't get why people are so openly horrible and judgemental. I hate how society tells us through subliminal messages that your worth is in the way you look and dress, that to be cool you need a hot date. Screw that. There is more to life than having the latest technology, wearing the most hipster clothes, knowing the coolest people and having the hottest hook up.
I hate how shallow society is becoming. Music is becoming less about making music for the love of it and reaching people positively, and more about making money and getting a top hit. People need to be sexualised and stripped to underwear to be sexy and well-liked. There is no respect of the body and mind anymore. It is all about greed and taking what you can get.
I hate how no one even thinks anymore. We are mindless zombies, accepting whatever is fed to us like babies. We don't ask if this is wrong. We don't ask if this is right. We go on our daily lives of ignorance and ingratitude. It's normal to be stupid and shallow. It's normal to be close-minded about every single thing. It's accepted.
I hate how selfish people are. In school we are told that there is a big, wide world out there and to be prepared. I assume that they are talking about making a good career for yourself, but we need to more prepared for people's selfishness and cruelty than the business world. We are taking and taking all for ourselves, living subconciously with the motto that it's cool not to give a crap about anyone but yourself.
I hate how the term 'successful' and 'happy' is defined by the University you go to, the career you have and the amount of money you make.
Get me out of here.

It is saddening to realise that everything has changed. Nothing is like it used to be. Obviously change is inevitable and I need to get over it, but it is rarely easy.
Friends have changed and moved on. At first it was worrying but then I realised that I don't necessarily need these people. You can always find other people to befriend.
Friends are no longer living 10 minutes away from me. I used to see them almost everyday, now I have to make an effort to see them even sometimes.
I am looking at certain friends in a different way now. There is one thing I can guarantee with people- they will let you down at one, or several, times in your life. I let myself down constantly.

I hate men's egos and pride. Nothing is ever let go of without a brawl and resentment. And where are the gentlemen? Where is the respect of women and their bodies?
On that note, it is also sad to see father's still hurting and taking the pain and hollowness out on their children. While I get fustrated with my dad sometimes, I am more pitiful than anything. He is the way he is because of his past hurts, and I forget that sometimes.

This is a really depressing post, but, I felt the need to vent and get things off my mind in public place.

Listen to: The Cribs - Be Safe

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