Hello! Just a little update on my life and where I am at the moment...
On Sunday night I went to hear this man named David Pierce preach. He is what I call a legitimate Christian. He's 50 years old with dreadlocks and plays in a punk rock band called No Longer Music. This information would have sold me already, but what's more is that he tours around the world with his punk band at immoral and satanic clubs and events to tell people about God.
Going to hardcore gigs myself, and although I know these people he comes in contact with are much more hardcore than what I have experienced, I could somewhat relate to what the people at these events are like. They are at times very close-minded and brutally honest and insistent on their atheism. They are not afraid to boo and swear at you if you say something about God. This is why I really respect him and his band. It is a hard area to go into ministry in, but he has realised how needy and isolated from God these people are and chose to take the difficult, less travelled path to reach them.
I got a lot of things from his sermon, one being about fat birds. Let me explain. One day on his balcony, he saw a nest with two fat birds in it. The mother bird was constantly feeding them worms because these two birds were squaking all the time on account of being hungry. They never left the nest to get excercise or learn how to fly. They were so comfortable being spoon fed. What the mother bird could think of doing was push them out of the nest so they could experience the world and freedom they were missing out on. This is relevant to Christians why? Because sometimes, we are like those fat birds. We stay in our comfort zone, asking God to feed us and never giving back or taking risks for him. We don't want to learn how to fly and get out into the world and live on edge for the sake of Jesus because of fear and comfort.
Another thing that struck home with me was the term he used called 'buffalo faith.' When it rains, all the animals lower their heads for shelter, scared of the rain, resenting it. But the buffalo raises it's head to the sky as if to say, 'Bring it! I can take it! I relish it!' That is buffalo faith- raising your head in the diffucult times and learning how to be strong in it.
What I love about David Pierce mostly is his take on Chrsitianity. He is such an old school missionary, he knows what it's all about. He has passion. Once, his band played at quite a big metal music festival. He played after a well-known metal band As I Lay Dying on the main stage, but before that he was in wonder at why none of these Christian bands talked about Jesus. I am relieved to hear that, because at times I have wondered this very thought at festivals and gigs where Christian bands play too, but have not felt the importance to voice it. Now I will. It's a wonder really- when you believe in Christ and God has presented you with an opportunity to play to thousands of people who could be lost and dead inside, why do you not give them the chance to become saved? I am a hypocrite. It is a hard thing to do and you lose 'cool' points, but it is worth every rejection. That's another thing- he doesn't care about looking cool, which makes him so much cooler! Check him out if you have the time.
In other less interesting news, I found out yesterday that the course I wanted to do in University do not accept mid-year intakes, which spiraled all my plans this year down the drain. So, I researched and brainstormed alternatives that I could do this year. I have decided that I will fix my CV and find a job, take more photos are gigs and events and possibly do shoots, help out my friend's gig/photography company 'AURA' out more, possibly start a music blog on album, musician and gig reviews as well as my gig photography to help with the possibilty of becoming a music journalist and lastly, possibly expanding Hope99 more, the mission organisation my friend and I started a few years ago. I pray this all works out according to God's plan.
The most puzzling thing I considered doing was taking a short course on photography or the arts. This morning, I decided to seek God and find His answer to my question: to do or not to do? A simple yes or no answer. In my heart, I wanted to do it, but not because of purposeful reasons, but because I wanted to please my mum and fit into what society considers smart and worthwhile doing. A simple question was then raised: how does my doing this course help glorify God and help people? I am not sure yet, but I get this little nudging that this isn't what I should be doing. I feel like he is saying no. But I am saying yes. I want to look so cool that I forget to focus on what God is telling me to do. How many times do we do that? Personally, too many to count. I want to know, how do you discern what you want and what God wants?
Lastly, if you are an indie lover, you should listen to The Kooks album, Konk. It is gorgeous, the lyrics and the music and guitar solos.
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