Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A random thought

Sin is like a vicious dog. It is blood-thirsty, can potentially kill people, including yourself, and has no regard for ethics or commands. When you keep feeding Sin the dog, it will be satisfied and will want more to feed on. Inevitably, it grows bigger and stronger. However, when you realise that feeding this dog is harming yourself and the people around you, you cease to feed it. The whining and pleading from Sin grows louder and more desperate. Unable to turn away from it's cries, you feed it, hesistantly, regrettably, with lust, anger, revenge, gossip and drunkenness.

No one is perfect. The dog of sin is in everybody's life. But if this metaphor for sin is somewhat right, shouldn't the way to kill Sin be to stop feeding it all together? To ignore the whining and pleading of Sin to feed it, and let it starve to death? If only it was that easy.

Listen to: Ascend The Hill - The Love of God

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