when I inhale and exhale a cigerette and watch the smoke rise above me and curl into thin air
when I feel the cold night air pressing around my face
when my dog looks up at me
when the sunrise sillouettes the trees outside my window
when my little cousin tells me I'm pretty
when I walk the city alone
when I cry
when I am the only one awake
when I hear the trees rustling
when I look up on my deck and see an array of stars winking at me
when I sleep on fresh sheets
when I sketch a pictures of my friends and see the look on their face when I give it to them
when I listen to Ascend The Hill in the morning
when I make eye contact with a stranger
when I dance
when I see my friends laughing
when I walk bare foot
when I go on bush walks alone and soak in the trees and creeks
when I smile at strangers
when someone picks me up off my feet and spins me around till my head spins
when I pray to my King
when I get a head rush
when I listen to The Cure
when I kiss
when my hearts beats faster when my crush is around the bend
when I think about the Love of God
when I see photographs of me and my loved ones
when the grass touches me
when I sit on the beach and listen to the waves
when I drink a hot cup of tea
It's about the small things.

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