Us girls have this tendency to run to a boy to fill this hole in our heart. I think ever since we were born, we were meant to be a beautiful, supportive companion to a man, to an Adam. But instead, we fill it by going to a flawed, sinful man in hopes he will fulfil everything we wanted. 9 times out of 10, he won’t. In my experience, men have only made the hole bigger, made me feel unworthy and not beautiful, made me skeptical and even hateful of men. Every man who I wanted to date in my life has hurt me and dissappointed me somehow. Each one has made me cry and sad. The thing is, God knows what we need. He knows our hearts. You were never meant to shed tears and be hurt by a man. Never can a human determine what we are worth, that is God’s job and he says we are beautiful and worth it. Only he can fill the hole in our heart. Run to him. Trust him. He won’t fail you. Humans do but he won’t, I promise.
And yet, the most wonderful thing is, God is so head over heels in love with us. It says in the Bible that your name written on his hand. He knows every hair on your head. He knows you inside and out and knows every good and bad thing you have done, now and even in the future, even before you were born. Yet his love for you is deeper than the deepest ocean, higher than the highest mountain, so passionate and strong and unfailing. He loves your laugh, he loves your smile, he is there when we go to sleep and he is there when we wake up.
So the bottom line is this. You may think a guy is perfect for you, but is he the perfect guy God had in mind for you?
This was a long-winded topic cut short, so if you want to hear about this more or have any questions don't be scared to comment me or email me: I'd be happy to talk :)
YAY! God is awesome, you are awesome, so be awesome together! Love you always <3