This is probably cliche to you, but Jesus. He fascinates me in so many ways. I am astounded by the way he loved people. How can you love someone who betrays you, who whips you, who nails you to a piece of wood, who spears you, who falsely accuses you and mocks you, who spits on you? He was the Son of the God of heaven and earth, he could of summoned 10,000 angels to fight for him. But he didn't. He chose to bear it on his own, simply because he wanted to set an example for the human race. He died so that we could live eternally with him. I am fascinated by the way he treated people, as if he was just one of them, never mentioning or gloating about his supremecy. He ate with prostitutes, tax collectors and the poor. He humbled the proud. He healed, both physically and emotionally. He spread his light and joy and love, never waning or backing down even in times of darkness and temptation. Jesus is someone I really admire and want to be like, even though I am far from being perfect and good like he was on earth.
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