Just when I was feeling so down in the dumps about a boy, I worship and I realise that all I need is God and only He can make me whole. I read past encouragements my friends have given me and I can't believe how blessed I am. I am so lucky to have friends who appreciate me and love me and look out for me. I am so lucky for this life. Everyday is a day to be stoked and psyched about life, even when things are utterly crap. I want to remind you that every breath you take is under God's consent. You are here for a special reason, not to be feel sad or hurt or broken by people who treat you in a way you weren't meant to be treated. Yes it's hard to move on, but yes we are not alone. We are all worth so much more friends. We are meant to love and be loved, that's it. Don't let anyone or anything bring your spirit down, ever.
Currently listening to: Ascend The Hill - Be Thou My Vision

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