Monday, May 16, 2011

What kind of person attracts you.

I don't know if this means what kind of person attracts me in a guy or in general, but I'll just go with general.

I'm attracted to people who have suffered in any way.
I'm attracted to people who are very passionate, especially those who are passionate about supporting good causes.
I'm attracted to people who have an opinion, who think. I'm attracted to people who are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in.
I'm attracted to people who don't seek finding a girl/boy to hook up, but just do their thing and let the rest come their way.
I'm attracted to people who are nice and loving to everyone, even people they have just met.
I'm attracted to people who laugh. Some people are just real serious and take things on personal level, but those kind of people just enjoy life and go with the flow.
I'm attracted to funny people! That's my weakness. I will instantly love you if you are funny.
I'm attracted to people with tattoos, on a more shallow side.
I'm attrated to bad ass people, the ones who break the rules and don't really give a crap about anything.
I'm attracted to people who don't try please anyone but are true to themselves.
I'm attracted to people with confidence, who are not afraid to strike up a conversation, compliment you or try to impress you.
I'm attracted to people just want to have a good time.
And of course, I'm attracted to skaters :)

Currently listening to: Corinne Bailey Rae - Put Your Records On

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