Friday, May 20, 2011


Tonite I was hanging out with the Jesus for the Homeless crew in Auckland City. I blogged about this group a while ago, but for those of you who don't know about it, it's basically a group who reach out to the homeless in our city and love them with God's love. As christians, we don't push our beliefs on them. We don't force them to be christians. We simply just hang out with them, talk to them and give them food. We are showing them God through our actions and the way we speak. It's wonderful because when we approach them, give them food and ask how their night is going, they ask us, 'Are you christians?' While christians do get a bad name sometimes, it's great that they sometimes associate the word 'christians' with caring and generous.

Anyway, tonite I met a woman who was sitting with a money box in front of her. She was a christian and she was lovely. She was with her partner, who she said she was looking after. She doesn't necessarily live on the street- she has an apartment- but from what I can grasp, street life is a part of her. I was softened by her wisdom. One thing she said particularly struck me, and it has been lingering on my mind tonite: 'I may be poor, but I am rich- in the heart.' And that's all that matters isn't it?
A good friend of mine, who was there tonite, is a wonderful man and christian and he was telling me about his walk with God. He had decided a few weeks ago to give up the things he loved like Xbox and TV and just focus and give it all to God. It was hard but it was worth it. He felt great afterwards and he said to me, you can't go a day without praying and reading the Bible. It is so important.
Another friend of mine, Lee, is such a legitamate guy who has this genuine love for God and his people. He was telling me that he threw his laptop out. It had been such a time-sucker. He gave it to his grandparents, but Satan kept saying lies to him, saying he needed it to do work or evangelise, but Lee told me it was much better being face to face with people because it actually shows them that you have time and you care about them enough to see them. He does all his work and emails at work. He is so much more free and he has time to actually talk to people.

I realise now that these three conversations all end up on the same bottom line. We don't need anything that we think we need.
As the lovely woman taught me, we don't need to have food on our tables everyday. She is hungry all the time and has kids and is planning to have more, but she concerns herself with caring for them instead of herself. We don't need to worry about food. God will provide our daily bread.
As my good friend Luke taught me, you don't need to waste your time with indulgent amounts of entertainment- Xbox, TV, the likes. As hard as it may be, you can give it up and you can start to feel good about yourself again.
As Lee taught me, you don't need a laptop to evangilise, maintain relationships, or for me, find a job. You can talk to people face to face and say, I love you, I care for you, and I am here to show it. You can go on the streets and evangilise in a powerful way.

I am ready to struggle for a good change. Along with my sobriety next week, I feel like I can give up what is hindering my relationship with Christ.
I spend too much time on Facebook, mindlessly parading my life and appearance so that I may look cool to people. This is so destructive, so I am going to deactivate it.
I spend too much money on food, so I am not going to buy food or eat out unless it is catching up with a friend.
I spend too much time on the laptop, so I am only going to use it to check my email or listen to music.
I end up watching TV alot when there is nothing to do, so I am going to watch a maximum of half an hour.
I will do this for at least a month, and see where it takes me. It is so much more than a sobriety now. It's going to be hard but it's going to be worth it.

In the meantime, I want to spend more personal time with my family and sister, with my friends, with nature, with myself, and most importantly, with God. I am going to spend time worshipping him, reading his word, praying and being still. I want him to be my everything. I want him to finally grasp and journey towards the true purpose of life. I want to be rich in the heart, and not material things.

We don't need anything, my friends. It's about knowing Him and knowing everything else will flow towards you from his hand. That, to me, is being rich.

'If I come without a thing, then I come with all I need.'


  1. Hi I have been reeding your blog and rather enjoy it. I am new at blogging and don't really know what i am doing, cold you look at mine and see what you think.


  2. Hi Hal! Thank you for taking your time to read my blog.

    I'm no expert in blogging and I don't know what I'm doing half the time either! But I took a look at yours and think it looks fantastic, and the content is great too. You also have pictures, videos and websites which readers can use to find out more about algriculture.

    Keep up the good work :)

  3. It's funny because this blog applies so much to me.
    God's pretty much the man.
